My chips don't lie
Let’s talk about chips. As you probably know, the word “chips” can mean different things in different countries. For example, in Great Britain, “chips” is the word they use for prostitutes. That’s why American tourists might be a little surprised at what they get when they order fish & chips at the pub.
Wood chips, computer chips, poker chips, Erik Estrada, Larry Wilcox. All of these are delicious snacks, but I will focus on the potato and corn variety of chips that we enjoy in the USA. I believe that we can learn a lot from chips. If you only know how to listen, chips can teach us about life and love and most importantly— ourselves.
To prove this, I sorted through a bag of corn tortilla chips in my kitchen. I was looking for a chip that resembled a former U.S. president or maybe the outline of a state.
But what I found is this.

Kinda looks like a bear, doesn’t it?
No? Well, check this out, non-believer. Your chip preference can tell you even more about yourself than your zodiac sign. Find your favorite chip genre below and see what it says about your character.
Corn chips – You’re a real risk taker. You’re not afraid of sharp corners.
Blue corn chips – You have a profound love of food dyes.
Potato chips – You like the taste of potato chips.
Pretzels – It’s time for a reality check. Pretzels aren’t chips.
Oh my stars! How could I forget about dips? That’s a whole ‘nother introspective journey for another time.
Wood chips, computer chips, poker chips, Erik Estrada, Larry Wilcox. All of these are delicious snacks, but I will focus on the potato and corn variety of chips that we enjoy in the USA. I believe that we can learn a lot from chips. If you only know how to listen, chips can teach us about life and love and most importantly— ourselves.
To prove this, I sorted through a bag of corn tortilla chips in my kitchen. I was looking for a chip that resembled a former U.S. president or maybe the outline of a state.
But what I found is this.

Kinda looks like a bear, doesn’t it?
No? Well, check this out, non-believer. Your chip preference can tell you even more about yourself than your zodiac sign. Find your favorite chip genre below and see what it says about your character.
Corn chips – You’re a real risk taker. You’re not afraid of sharp corners.
Blue corn chips – You have a profound love of food dyes.
Potato chips – You like the taste of potato chips.
Pretzels – It’s time for a reality check. Pretzels aren’t chips.
Oh my stars! How could I forget about dips? That’s a whole ‘nother introspective journey for another time.
Joanna, Joanna, Joanna!!! I am very disappointed! You didn't mention the best chip of all - CHOCOLATE chips!!! And, don't're a chip off the old block!
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