Orange you glad you asked?

Dear Food Blog,
I really love citrus fruits, but I have difficulty telling them apart. I’m overwhelmed in the produce section of the grocery store. They all seem so similar! I don’t know a tangelo from a tangerine. Please help.
-Stumped by Citrus
Dear Stumped,
Even if I asked a Nobel Prize-winning botanist for a good way to decode the subtle nuances of citrus, he’d shrug and walk away. Thanks to genetic engineering, no one will ever be able to keep track of all the different fruits. For example, did you know there’s such thing as an orangequat— a cross between an orange and a kumquat? Bottom line—citrus fruit is confusing. The difference between a tangelo and a tangerine? Stop trying to be a hero. I can’t even tell the difference between a grapefruit and my left hand. And more importantly, who cares? I hope that answers your question.
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the most important thing is that you get to eat it before it goes into that dried state when the disapointment tastes just as bad.
In recent bit of remarkable news, scientist have developed a genetically modified piece of fruit that is a cross between a can of "beef o roni" and a tangerine. The tentative name for the beefy citrus is Tange-O-Roni. Two words, Yum and yum. Vitamin C AND carbs all in one sun-kissed wrapper! (This could possibly be just a rumor. There was a kid shooting sparrows with a BB gun near my house and he's the one who told me.)
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