Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Sad Salisbury Steak Story

Note: This is a guest entry from Nina studying abroad in London, England.

There's something to say about foods named after cities. The Hamburger of Germany, the Noodles of Shanghai, and of course the classic Philly Cheesesteak. I'd mention the "French" Fry, but first, that's not a city, and second, it's called a chip in England anyway.

Well, my dear friendly food-a-holics, I am going to reveal the untold story of the Salisbury Steak. On an organized student trip to Stone Henge, I was happily awaiting my day filled with eerie tales of stones and Druids.

Then...yes, THEN, they gave me a flyer announcing that only half the day was to acquaint with my new pet rocks and the rest was enjoying Salisbury, England... home of the a forenamed steak! My A4 sized sheet of paper boasted about the glories I would find in the mystery meat dish.

Leslie, from LA, questioned "What...what IS a Salisbury steak?" Obviously, there was shock and horror from the Midwesterners. Wisconsin-Nick drew an imaginary matrix in the air diagramming the hamburger, beef steak, and meatloaf. A little grossed out, I was still kind of excited to try a local dish that wasn't baked beans on toast (and that my friend is for a WHOLE separate flog entry).

We arrived in this small little town and I swear to you, we must have teleported to Sandwich in Kent England, because that's all we could find to eat! The steak was no where to be found. I'm left disgusted with the weak effort they put in to draw tourists. I can confidently declare this is the worst small town with a lame claim to fame ...ever. If you're in England, skip the trip to Salisbury, unless you are looking for the 4th Earl of Sandwich.


Blogger Joanna said...

I think I've eaten Salisbury steak before, but I still don't know what it is.

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure it is composed of the elderly salisburians...kinda like soylent green.

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ate it in high school. I still don't know what it is.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually visited Salisbury during my spring break while I was a student at the University of Aberdeen.

I now realize that while I had some memorable adventures there -- very nearly freezing to death while visiting Stonehenge; staying at a B&B that served just about the best breakfast EVAR -- it never occurred to me to try to sample this sublime local delicacy.

My life is now incomplete -- and there is nothing to do but weep myself to sleep every night thinking of the things that could have been.
-- Brian

1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salisbury steak is delicious, especially when it's sopping with that oh-so-vital gravy.

On occasion, I seek that delicacy or a beef Manhattan, but they aren't popular in restaurants. Just the frozen food section and at high schools everywhere.


5:27 AM  
Blogger purveyor of most things stupid said...

salisbury steak. invented by a guy that thought chop steak and coffee 3 times a day would cure diarrhea.

but this was in the civil war. there were always crazy doctors out there.

11:08 PM  

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