Tuesday, March 13, 2007

PB and JCPenney

It's been awhile. But just as the old saying goes, if you really love something you're supposed to let it go, and if it comes back to you, you owe it a PBJ.

But I'm not really hungry right now.

Instead I seek to infotain loyal Flog readers with detailed descriptions of the food items that have dominated my diet the past couple of months. At the grocery store yesterday it occurred to me that I buy the same things repeatedly, with little variation in flavors and brands. Is it not essential, then, that I share?

Bling it up:

1. Kashi cereal: Recently my favorite has been the "Good Friends: Cinna-Raisin Crunch" variety. This comes in a deep purple box featuring the shining faces of two very regular and, therefore, very happy, senior citizens. At first I, a sophisticated and, let's just say it, remarkably attractive twentysomething, felt out of place buying this fiber-rich cereal, marketed for people twice, triple my age. Still, my bowels are more important to me than my image in Kroger. And the plump raisins and just-sweet-enough fiber twigs in the cereal make for a hearty breakfast.

2. Amy's Organic Bean Burritos: Upon coming across this selection I can understand that readers may peg me as one of them there hippie vegan folk. On the other hand, I don't even know what it means to be vegan. I like these because yes, they are low in calories and fat but still high in fiber and protein, but also because they don't taste like sawdust. This isn't comparable to Taco Bell (unfortunately) in taste and (fortunately) in nutrition, but it makes for a satisfying midday pick-me-up. Lunch, if you will.

3. Peanut butter: Peanut butter, all brands of it, are not only affordable, but a jar of it traditionally lasts a single person more than seven years. It's good protein and easily used as a dip for, say, carrots or skittles or, of course, as a spread for a sandwich. Also good for use during foreplay.
Oh, hey mom ... forgot you read this.

And stay away from Peter Pan brand, you have babies with three eyes if you eat it, or something.

4. Morning Star Garden Veggie Patties: I promise I'm not a vegetarian. Still, these burger-like products account for two servings of vegetables and they're sufficiently filling. At least that's what it says on the box. And I always trust my box.

Please don't get me wrong. I enjoy greasy, fatty, artery-clogging foods (and men) as much as you do. I just don't eat them unless I'm drunk.


Blogger Joanna said...

you willingly eat "fiber twigs?"

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your grocery list sounds like mine. Lately, I've been going for pita bread, hummus (roasted red pepper is the best), peanut butter, generic granola, and plan yogurt. All yummy, healthy, and easy to leave in the office fridge for snacking at work all week. My office-mates frequently set out desserts and having a jar of peanut butter on my desk helps me to avoid eating all of those awesomely-sweet confections as I pass through the conference room.
But I draw the line at purchasing "fiber twigs." I've tried them and they're gross. Plus they're free if you have a backyard.

4:50 PM  

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