It takes 1200 calories and 63 grams of fat to kill a colony of evil gnomes
I’m piggybacking on Michelle’s fast food shame. I didn’t have a New Year’s resolution to eat a more healthful diet. (I just have the same resolutions I have every year—Listen to more Fleetwood Mac and stay out of prison.)
I simply avoid mass produced triple bypass snacks instinctually as daily survival, the will to live. But yesterday something inside of me snapped. A deep bottomless-pit-hunger seized my midsection. Gnomes were using pick hammers to mine precious gemstones inside my stomach. I couldn’t just allow this to happen, could I?
I craved that greasy, physically ill feeling only fast food could provide.
And then one of my friends G chatted me up about a Cheesy Gordita Crunch. He used all the hot buzz words—cheesy, melty, crunchy. Surely there was a Taco Bell somewhere in Manhattan! But I didn’t have time to look! The gnomes! Right across the street was a closer, even greasier establishment. (I once dissed them in a live freestyle rap battle, so I won’t name them again.)
I didn’t really know what I was ordering. I just picked something random from the menu that looked like this:

After eating 1/3 of this burger I didn’t really feel like a person anymore as the grease danced around my insides. But there was no turning back. I picked off all the bacon, scraped off the cheese and asked, “Why did I do this to myself?” I’m pretty sure the gnomes are dead now. Mission accomplished.
I simply avoid mass produced triple bypass snacks instinctually as daily survival, the will to live. But yesterday something inside of me snapped. A deep bottomless-pit-hunger seized my midsection. Gnomes were using pick hammers to mine precious gemstones inside my stomach. I couldn’t just allow this to happen, could I?
I craved that greasy, physically ill feeling only fast food could provide.
And then one of my friends G chatted me up about a Cheesy Gordita Crunch. He used all the hot buzz words—cheesy, melty, crunchy. Surely there was a Taco Bell somewhere in Manhattan! But I didn’t have time to look! The gnomes! Right across the street was a closer, even greasier establishment. (I once dissed them in a live freestyle rap battle, so I won’t name them again.)
I didn’t really know what I was ordering. I just picked something random from the menu that looked like this:

After eating 1/3 of this burger I didn’t really feel like a person anymore as the grease danced around my insides. But there was no turning back. I picked off all the bacon, scraped off the cheese and asked, “Why did I do this to myself?” I’m pretty sure the gnomes are dead now. Mission accomplished.
let me tell you something about the cheesey gordita crunch. all of this "it's back" and "limited time only" stuff is bullshit. it's always there. it's just not on the menu. and it's glorious. you have to be in the taco bell know. and now you know.
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