More like bore-ganic

Your recent post on soy milk got me thinking. Many grocery stores now sell organic food, which is more expensive than the regular food, but according to some people, it's healthier to eat. I just can't get past my skepticism. How do I know this so-called "organic food movement" isn't just the new Atkins Diet-like scheme to make me spend more money for what I eat?
Bewildered in Bloomington
Dear Bewildered,
Organic food is lame. Drugs, hormones, synthetic chemicals—why would they put them in food in the first place if they weren’t delicious? In spite of any theoretical social, economic, environment or health-related benefits that come with buying and consuming organic food—have you actually seen the people that shop in the organic food section? Enough said. If you’re that worried about food contaminates, perhaps it’s time to purchase a hybrid car and hold free yoga classes inside of it for all the members of your farming commune. However, if you’re looking for a way to spend more money on food, there are better ways to do so than buying organic. I suggest gnawing on bars of solid gold for a start.
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I love organic food, especially hydroponic tomatos. The less pesticide the better. The only thing that its good for is to kill writers who think all org-eaters are granola crunching hippies who just need to take a bath and shave their pits, because we all know that that just ain't so! (yeah, I rhymed...get over it)
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