Fish? or a filled diaper

I'm a vegetarian but I still eat pork, beef, chicken, deer, gator and Pink Panther.
Upon considering my self-imposed diet regulations and the world's largest cheese cube, I've been pondering the essential question of sealife: is fish meat?
I was baptized and raised in the Catholic Church, giving me the authority to speak on such. As it turns out, fish is not meat. Catholics can eat it during Lent on "meatless" Fridays, unless we forget and eat a hamburger instead.
Also, fish smells bad. Even if it's fresh. For something to be classified as "meat," it must not smell bad unless fish is placed on it.
Fish does offer protein, like most meats. Still, unlike most meats, the eyes of fish are sometimes not removed before human consumption.
You smell bad.
Bah! The absurdity. Fish is meat. Catholics are just afraid of mammals on Friday.
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