Breaking breakfast
If you've ever seen the pilot of Arrested Development or had a mom, you may agree that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is a ubiquitous ideal.
If you are literate, you may have encountered one of what seems like dozens of scientific studies proving that, hey, b-fast does a lotta good for our brains and our hot asses. Indeed, there are plenty of physiological (and taste buddal!) reasons to leggo my eggo and eat it.
We get it. Eating in the morning is good for us.
So why am I still reading about VERY IMPORTANT studies emphasizing this established concept?
On Tuesday, a New York Times' health blogger posted information about a study among more than 2,000 pimply adolescents in Minnesota. Results: the fatties didn't eat breakfast. NOT BREAKING NEWS!!!!
In April's Good Housekeeping mag (FU, my mom subscribes. FU, yes I live at home still. FU, it's free for me. FU, yes I feel defensive about it.) one of the SUPER helpful tips to "supercharge your metabolism" is, whaddya know, a "hearty breakfast." NOT CRAZY FRESH REPORTING!!!!
So media criticism aside, we freagin know not to delay our seven bowls of Cocoa Puffs for after dinner. And -- hey scientists, how about focusing your magical brains on something else now? AIDS cure? Soap that smells like cole slaw?
If you are literate, you may have encountered one of what seems like dozens of scientific studies proving that, hey, b-fast does a lotta good for our brains and our hot asses. Indeed, there are plenty of physiological (and taste buddal!) reasons to leggo my eggo and eat it.
We get it. Eating in the morning is good for us.
So why am I still reading about VERY IMPORTANT studies emphasizing this established concept?
On Tuesday, a New York Times' health blogger posted information about a study among more than 2,000 pimply adolescents in Minnesota. Results: the fatties didn't eat breakfast. NOT BREAKING NEWS!!!!
In April's Good Housekeeping mag (FU, my mom subscribes. FU, yes I live at home still. FU, it's free for me. FU, yes I feel defensive about it.) one of the SUPER helpful tips to "supercharge your metabolism" is, whaddya know, a "hearty breakfast." NOT CRAZY FRESH REPORTING!!!!
So media criticism aside, we freagin know not to delay our seven bowls of Cocoa Puffs for after dinner. And -- hey scientists, how about focusing your magical brains on something else now? AIDS cure? Soap that smells like cole slaw?
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