The Sad Salisbury Steak Story

Note: This is a guest entry from Nina studying abroad in London, England.
There's something to say about foods named after cities. The Hamburger of Germany, the Noodles of
Well, my dear friendly food-a-holics, I am going to reveal the untold story of the Salisbury Steak. On an organized student trip to Stone Henge, I was happily awaiting my day filled with eerie tales of stones and Druids.
Then...yes, THEN, they gave me a flyer announcing that only half the day was to acquaint with my new pet rocks and the rest was enjoying Salisbury, England... home of the a forenamed steak! My A4 sized sheet of paper boasted about the glories I would find in the mystery meat dish.
Leslie, from LA, questioned "What...what IS a Salisbury steak?" Obviously, there was shock and horror from the Midwesterners. Wisconsin-Nick drew an imaginary matrix in the air diagramming the hamburger, beef steak, and meatloaf. A little grossed out, I was still kind of excited to try a local dish that wasn't baked beans on toast (and that my friend is for a WHOLE separate flog entry).
We arrived in this small little town and I swear to you, we must have teleported to