Cheese debate in your face

Today the floggers take sides in a debate on a controversial subject that affects billions of people worldwide. How much cheese belongs on a sandwich?
Cheese got me on my knees beggin' please baby please
A sandwich with too much cheese lurks in the realm of Santa Claus, unicorns, and Eskimos. It simply does not exist. You can't put too much cheese on a sandwich. You can't! I love that feeling of biting into cheese on top of cheese. A proper delicious sandwich should be stacked. It's gotta be like a lasagna, or the earth's crust, or the depths of my personality. Layers, baby, it's about layers. Can I get a Amen?
Of course I'm talking about a deli sandwich with real cheese. If you're ladling nacho cheese onto a sandwich at Arby's or stacking slimy American "cheese" onto greasy burgers or squirting Cheeze Whiz into your mouthz, then all proclamations of cheese infinity are void.
Double queso? Aw, hail no
Like mascara and the Clinton family, less is more when it comes to dairy. Too much cheese on pizzas and sandwiches makes me gag.
Maybe it's the smell or the sometimes-curdled or too soft look that makes me queasy over cheesy, or maybe it's the fact that, actually, cheese is mold.
Double cheese can be devastating to an otherwise desirable meal.
Moreover, I don't want to eat anything that can sit in the sun for eight hours and not make me puke up my freaking bloody guts. And I especially don't want anything like that on my perfectly good deli sandwiches.
Brie end.